2016 Colorado Legislative Scorecard

You care about Colorado’s environmental legacy.


The Colorado Legislative Conservation Scorecard highlights the priorities of the conservation community in the 2016 legislative session. Here, you will find factual, nonpartisan information on bills related to our environment and how each member of the legislature voted on issues that affect Colorado’s air, land, water, and people.

Find out how your elected officials voted, and see how well their votes align with your conservation values. We encourage you to call or write to your legislators and let them know you’re paying attention to their environmental scores!

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Browse by chamber, or find your legislator on our map.

Colorado HouseColorado Senate

We accomplished a lot this year, thanks to your help spreading the word on environmental issues, writing letters, and calling legislators. During the 2016 legislative session, we saw several exciting victories that were products of successful bipartisan collaboration. As you may have heard, rain barrels are now legal in Colorado and we have a new annual state holiday to honor our public lands!

However, we had to fight too hard to pass common sense bills like these. It took two years to legalize rain barrels and Colorado Public Lands Day initially faced serious opposition. Dozens of other bills that would have moved Colorado forward were killed, like putting in safeguards to protect our communities from oil and gas activity, minimizing water loss from our infrastructure, and setting goals for statewide climate action.

That’s why electing a pro-conservation majority is absolutely imperative in 2016. Instead of fighting opposition to sensible measures that Coloradans support, we could make meaningful progress to protect our air, land, water, and people.

Elections matter. A lot. So if you aren’t satisfied with some of the outcomes found in this year’s Scorecard, make sure to work with us to elect a pro-conservation legislature this November!

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