2024 Conservation Scorecard

Healthy Communities

HB 1338 | Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice
Description: Advances environmental justice by reducing the cumulative impacts of toxic pollution.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

SB 94 | Safe Housing for Residential Tenants
Description: Improves housing safety for renters by making it clear what landlords must do to keep their properties safe; sustains affordable housing and therefore helps reduce driving.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

SB 229 | Ozone Mitigation Measures
Description: Modifies the air quality permit processes, prevents polluters' repeat violations and increases funding for to clean up oil and gas wells in disproportionately impacted communities.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

SB 230 | Oil & Gas Production Fees
Description: Generates funds for statewide transit and one of the largest investments in Colorado Parks & Wildlife in over a decade; helps ensure oil and gas companies pay their fair share for causing environmental impacts.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

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