2024 Conservation Scorecard

Every session, legislators vote on hundreds of bills. This scorecard focuses on several core environmental priorities that tell the story of environmental leadership at the Colorado Capitol. In this scorecard you'll find clear, nonpartisan information on top environmental priorities and how each state legislator voted on bills impacting Colorado’s climate, lands, water and communities.

Find out how your elected officials vote, and see how their choices align with your environmental values. Then, write to your legislators to let them know you're paying attention to their environmental scores.

You Make Victories Possible

During the 2024 legislative session, Conservation Colorado members made their voices heard, sending over 5,000 emails, making nearly 300 calls and testifying dozens of times, urging legislators to support our priority conservation bills. Our members spoke loud and clear: all Coloradans deserve a healthy climate and communities.

Read our full 2024 legislative impact report here.

Your advocacy helped achieve these key victories:


  • Established new air pollution standards for the oil and gas industry
  • Addressed transportation emissions and the housing crisis with landmark policies and funding to support transit, combat sprawl, promote housing affordability and reduce pollution

Healthy Communities:

  • Expanded environmental justice programs and protections against the toxic impacts of cumulative pollution
  • Prioritized cleaning up abandoned oil and gas wells in communities most impacted by pollution

Lands & water:

  • Became the first state in the nation to pass legislation to protect our wetlands and streams – more than 60% of Colorado’s waters – after Trump’s Supreme Court revoked clean water protections that had been in place for five decades
  • Passed legislation securing one of the largest investments in Colorado's parks and wildlife in over a decade

This progress is only possible because of our partners, members, supporters and activists like you!

Find your Legislator:

Colorado HouseColorado Senate

As the largest environmental organization in Colorado, we work to secure nationally-leading policies for climate, air, lands, water and healthy communities.

The 2024 legislative session was one of the most successful in many years. We passed several landmark bills, while also stopping an attempt by the oil and gas industry to roll back a decade’s worth of climate progress through more than a dozen dangerous ballot initiatives.

This progress is only possible because of our legislative champions, partners, members, supporters and activists like you. We are so grateful for your efforts in contacting legislators and backing our priority bills. Together, we’ve passed historic policies to reduce air pollution, improve public transit and safeguard impacted communities, wetlands, lands and wildlife.

Our 2024 legislative scorecard highlights the environmental champions turning our vision into reality. For the first time this year, we have included special considerations not always apparent in traditional scores, such as committee votes and sponsorship of priority bills. Our goal is to capture a fuller picture of what it means to be a conservation champion.

I encourage you to review our annual scorecard and reach out to your elected officials to thank our champions or ask more of those who fell short. Let’s ensure Colorado remains at the forefront of climate progress, helping to secure a healthy environment and future for all.

For Colorado,

Kelly Nordini
Chief Executive Officer

Explore the Bills

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