Healthy Communities & Justce
HB 1244 | Public Protections From Toxic Air Contaminants requires monitoring air toxics, develops health-based standards, and requires companies to use technology to cut pollution to protect communities' health.
Pro-Environment Vote: Yes
Status: Signed into Law
SB 150 | Missing And Murdered Indigenous Relatives creates a state office of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.
Pro-Environment Vote: Yes
Status: Signed into Law
HB 1322 | Water Quality Regulation requires state regulators to communicate with disproportionately impacted communities and holds polluters accountable.
Pro-Environment Vote: Yes
Status: Signed into Law
HB 1394 | Fund Just Transition Community And Worker Supports assists communities moving away from coal-based economies through Colorado’s Office of Just Transition.
Pro-Environment Vote: Yes
Status: Signed into Law