2022 Conservation Scorecard

Climate & Clean Energy

SB 193 | Air Quality Improvement Investments invests in air quality improvements, including electric school buses and e-bikes to help reduce pollution and clean up our air.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

SB 180 | Programs To Reduce Ozone Through Increased Transit creates an ozone season transit grant program to provide free transit services for at least 30 days during ozone season.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

HB 1362 | Building Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduces building greenhouse gas emissions by improving building codes, creating building electrification and high-efficiency electric heating and appliances grant programs, and by establishing a clean air building investments fund.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

HB 1355 | Producer Responsibility Program For Recycling ensures that the companies that produce recyclable materials fully fund and manage a program to ensure those materials are recycled.

Pro-Environment Vote: Yes

Status: Signed into Law

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