2022 Conservation Scorecard
SB 150Healthy Communities & Justice

Missing And Murdered Indigenous Relatives

Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Signed into law
Description: SB22-150 creates a state office of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.
Pro-Environment VoteAnti-Environment VoteExcused100% Environmental Voting Record in 2022

House Votes

RepresentativeParty - DistrictVote
Representative whose score is 100%Amabile, JudyDemocrat - 13Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Bacon, JenniferDemocrat - 7Pro-Environment Vote
Baisley, MarkRepublican - 39Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Benavidez, Adrienne Democrat - 32Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Bernett, TraceyDemocrat - 12Pro-Environment Vote
Bird, ShannonDemocrat - 35Pro-Environment Vote
Bockenfeld, RodRepublican - 56Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Boesenecker, AndrewDemocrat - 53Pro-Environment Vote
Bradfield, MaryRepublican - 21Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Caraveo, YadiraDemocrat - 31Pro-Environment Vote
Carver, TerriRepublican - 20Anti-Environment Vote
Catlin, MarcRepublican - 58Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Cutter, Lisa Democrat - 25Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Daugherty, LindseyDemocrat - 29Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Duran, Monica Democrat - 24Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Esgar, DaneyaDemocrat - 46Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Exum, Sr., Tony Democrat - 17Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Froelich, MegDemocrat - 3Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Garnett, Alec Democrat - 2Pro-Environment Vote
Geitner, Tim Republican - 19Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Gonzales-Gutierrez, Serena Democrat - 4Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Gray, Matt Democrat - 33Pro-Environment Vote
Hanks, RonRepublican - 60Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Herod, LeslieDemocrat - 8Pro-Environment Vote
Holtorf , RichardRepublican - 64Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Hooton, Edie Democrat - 10Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Jodeh, Iman Democrat - 41Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Kennedy, Chris Democrat - 23Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Kipp, CathyDemocrat - 52Pro-Environment Vote
Larson, ColinRepublican - 22Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Lindsay , MandyDemocrat - 42Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Lontine, SusanDemocrat - 1Pro-Environment Vote
Luck, StephanieRepublican - 47Anti-Environment Vote
Lynch, MikeRepublican - 49Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%McCluskie, JulieDemocrat - 61Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%McCormick, KarenDemocrat - 11Pro-Environment Vote
McKean, HughRepublican - 51Pro-Environment Vote
McLachlan, BarbaraDemocrat - 59Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Michaelson Jenet, DafnaDemocrat - 30Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Mullica, Kyle Democrat - 34Pro-Environment Vote
Neville, PatrickRepublican - 45Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Ortiz, DavidDemocrat - 38Pro-Environment Vote
Pelton, RodRepublican - 65Anti-Environment Vote
Pico, AndresRepublican - 16Anti-Environment Vote
Ransom, KimRepublican - 44Anti-Environment Vote
Rich, JaniceRepublican - 55Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Ricks, NaquettaDemocrat - 40Pro-Environment Vote
Roberts, Dylan Democrat - 26Pro-Environment Vote
Sandridge, ShaneRepublican - 14Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Sirota, Emily Democrat - 9Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Snyder, MarcDemocrat - 18Pro-Environment Vote
Soper, MattRepublican - 54Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Sullivan, TomDemocrat - 37Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Tipper, Kerry Democrat - 28Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Titone, Brianna Democrat - 27Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Valdez, AlexDemocrat - 5Pro-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Valdez, DonaldDemocrat - 62Pro-Environment Vote
Van Beber, TonyaRepublican - 48Anti-Environment Vote
Van Winkle, KevinRepublican - 43Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Weissman, MikeDemocrat - 36Pro-Environment Vote
Will, Perry Republican - 57Pro-Environment Vote
Williams, DaveRepublican - 15Anti-Environment Vote
Representative whose score is 100%Woodrow, StevenDemocrat - 6Pro-Environment Vote
Woog, DanRepublican - 63Anti-Environment Vote
Young, MaryDemocrat - 50Pro-Environment Vote

Senate Votes

SenatorParty - DistrictVote
Senator whose score is 100%Bridges, JeffDemocrat - 26Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Buckner, JanetDemocrat - 28Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Coleman, JamesDemocrat - 33Pro-Environment Vote
Cooke, JohnRepublican - 13Anti-Environment Vote
Coram, DonRepublican - 6Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Danielson, JessieDemocrat - 20Pro-Environment Vote
Donovan, Kerry Democrat - 5Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fenberg, Stephen Democrat - 18Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fields, RhondaDemocrat - 29Pro-Environment Vote
Gardner, BobRepublican - 12Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Ginal, JoannDemocrat - 14Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Gonzales, Julie Democrat - 34Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Hansen, Chris Democrat - 31Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Hinrichsen, Nick Democrat - 3Pro-Environment Vote
Hisey, DennisRepublican - 2Pro-Environment Vote
Holbert, ChrisRepublican - 30Anti-Environment Vote
Kirkmeyer, BarbaraRepublican - 23Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kolker, Chris Democrat - 27Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Lee, PeteDemocrat - 11Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Jaquez Lewis, SonyaDemocrat - 17Pro-Environment Vote
Liston, LarryRepublican - 10Anti-Environment Vote
Lundeen, PaulRepublican - 9Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Moreno, Dominick Democrat - 21Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Pettersen, BrittanyDemocrat - 22Pro-Environment Vote
Priola, KevinRepublican - 25Pro-Environment Vote
Rankin, BobRepublican - 8Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Rodriguez, Robert Democrat - 32Pro-Environment Vote
Scott, RayRepublican - 7Anti-Environment Vote
Simpson, CleaveRepublican - 35Pro-Environment Vote
Smallwood, JimRepublican - 4Anti-Environment Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryRepublican - 1Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Story, TammyDemocrat - 16Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Winter, Faith Democrat - 24Pro-Environment Vote
Woodward, RobRepublican - 15Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Zenzinger, RachelDemocrat - 19Pro-Environment Vote

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