2018 Conservation Scorecard

Prohibit Colorado Involvement in Climate Alliance

No is the pro-environment vote.

This bill would have prohibited Colorado from taking part in any state-level climate collaboration that attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This was a backwards measure to prevent Colorado from being involved in the U.S. Climate Alliance, which Governor Hickenlooper signed onto in 2017. The Climate Alliance is a set of voluntary goals that a group of states committed to when President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Pro-Environment VoteAnti-Environment VoteExcused100% Environmental Voting Record in 2018

Senate Votes

SenatorParty - DistrictVote
Senator whose score is 100%Aguilar, IreneDemocrat - 32Pro-Environment Vote
Baumgardner, RandyRepublican - 8Anti-Environment Vote
Cooke, JohnRepublican - 13Anti-Environment Vote
Coram, DonRepublican - 6Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Court, LoisDemocrat - 31Pro-Environment Vote
Crowder, LarryRepublican - 35Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Donovan, KerryDemocrat - 5Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fenberg, SteveDemocrat - 18Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fields, RhondaDemocrat - 29Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Garcia, LeroyDemocrat - 3Pro-Environment Vote
Gardner, BobRepublican - 12Anti-Environment Vote
Grantham, KevinRepublican - 2Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Guzman, LuciaDemocrat - 34Pro-Environment Vote
Hill, OwenRepublican - 10Anti-Environment Vote
Holbert, ChrisRepublican - 30Anti-Environment Vote
Jahn, CheriUnaffiliated - 20Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Jones, MattDemocrat - 17Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kagan, DanielDemocrat - 26Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kefalas, JohnDemocrat - 14Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kerr, AndyDemocrat - 22Pro-Environment Vote
Lambert, KentRepublican - 9Anti-Environment Vote
Lundberg, KevinRepublican - 15Anti-Environment Vote
Marble, VickiRepublican - 23Anti-Environment Vote
Martinez Humenik, BethRepublican - 24Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Merrifield, MichaelDemocrat - 11Pro-Environment Vote
Moreno, DominickDemocrat - 21Pro-Environment Vote
Neville, TimRepublican - 16Anti-Environment Vote
Priola, KevinRepublican - 25Anti-Environment Vote
Scott, RayRepublican - 7Anti-Environment Vote
Smallwood, JimRepublican - 4Anti-Environment Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryRepublican - 1Anti-Environment Vote
Tate, JackRepublican - 27Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Todd, NancyDemocrat - 28Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Williams, AngelaDemocrat - 33Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Zenzinger, RachelDemocrat - 19Pro-Environment Vote

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