2018 Conservation Scorecard

Local Government Liable for Fracking Ban Oil & Gas Moratorium

No is the pro-environment vote.

Local governments in Colorado have the ability to enact certain rules to regulate the oil and gas industry. This bill, however, would have made local governments financially liable to oil and gas operators for rules or regulations that curtailed oil and gas development in any way, thereby preventing the right of local governments to make decisions about oil and gas operations that affect their own communities.

Pro-Environment VoteAnti-Environment VoteExcused100% Environmental Voting Record in 2018

Senate Votes

SenatorParty - DistrictVote
Senator whose score is 100%Aguilar, IreneDemocrat - 32Pro-Environment Vote
Baumgardner, RandyRepublican - 8Anti-Environment Vote
Cooke, JohnRepublican - 13Anti-Environment Vote
Coram, DonRepublican - 6Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Court, LoisDemocrat - 31Pro-Environment Vote
Crowder, LarryRepublican - 35Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Donovan, KerryDemocrat - 5Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fenberg, SteveDemocrat - 18Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Fields, RhondaDemocrat - 29Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Garcia, LeroyDemocrat - 3Pro-Environment Vote
Gardner, BobRepublican - 12Anti-Environment Vote
Grantham, KevinRepublican - 2Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Guzman, LuciaDemocrat - 34Pro-Environment Vote
Hill, OwenRepublican - 10Anti-Environment Vote
Holbert, ChrisRepublican - 30Anti-Environment Vote
Jahn, CheriUnaffiliated - 20Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Jones, MattDemocrat - 17Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kagan, DanielDemocrat - 26Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kefalas, JohnDemocrat - 14Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Kerr, AndyDemocrat - 22Pro-Environment Vote
Lambert, KentRepublican - 9Anti-Environment Vote
Lundberg, KevinRepublican - 15Anti-Environment Vote
Marble, VickiRepublican - 23Anti-Environment Vote
Martinez Humenik, BethRepublican - 24Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Merrifield, MichaelDemocrat - 11Pro-Environment Vote
Moreno, DominickDemocrat - 21Pro-Environment Vote
Neville, TimRepublican - 16Anti-Environment Vote
Priola, KevinRepublican - 25Anti-Environment Vote
Scott, RayRepublican - 7Anti-Environment Vote
Smallwood, JimRepublican - 4Anti-Environment Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryRepublican - 1Anti-Environment Vote
Tate, JackRepublican - 27Anti-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Todd, NancyDemocrat - 28Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Williams, AngelaDemocrat - 33Pro-Environment Vote
Senator whose score is 100%Zenzinger, RachelDemocrat - 19Pro-Environment Vote

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